A powerful SMS marketing tool

 Your campaigns are delivered instantly in your contacts' pockets

SMS marketing

SMSs are faster than emails and have the best open rate

Do you need to remind your customers about your latest offers Through the sms marketing tool you can stay in constant contact with customers and in a simple way.

SMS messages arrive directly to your contacts, making sure that they will be opened and read the next minute.

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SMS marketing tool

Schedule your campaigns

And let Odoo do the work for you.

Prepare all your SMS campaigns and schedule them to be sent later

SMS marketing tool

Segment easily to whom your messages are sent.

Target the right audience, based on past orders, abandoned carts, list subscriptions, event attendees, manually selected contacts, etc.

Send SMS directly from the contact list

Just go to your Odoo Contacts app, select your contacts on the list and send them an SMS. As easy as that.

SMS marketing tool

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